Collins Dictionary names ‘AI’ its Word Of The Year

The abbreviation of artificial intelligence (AI) has been named the Collins…

Croc block – traditional medicine provides pain relief

John Watson, his son Anthony and some friends were fishing on their country in…

Retail sales dig in with hotter than expected growth

Australian retailers have had a better month as government programs and…

Building a better future for women: ACT honours leader

A business leader who has championed employing more women in the construction…

Recruitment blitz celebrates the power of top teachers

A $10 million recruitment blitz will be rolled out in a bid to boost the number…

Businesses on Facebook, Instagram can be Meta-verified

Businesses on Facebook or Instagram can subscribe to a verification tool that…

Workplace bill won’t force workers off casual contracts

Casual workers who do no want to transition into permanent contracts will not…

Spike in petrol prices adding to inflation pain

Petrol prices have jumped more than seven per cent in three months as…

Consultations are underway for changes to superannuation

  From 1 July 2026, employers will be required to pay their employees’ super at…

Businesses urged to step up for disability inequality

Businesses have been urged to help close the gap between disabled and…