Extra paid parental leave welcomed but unions want more

A jump in paid parental leave to 26 weeks will help address the gender pay gap…

Calls for four-year forecast in GST carve-up

Four-year forecasts for state and territory shares of GST are being sought as…

Energy bills to fall as regulator reveals draft offer

WHAT IS A DEFAULT OFFER? * The default market offer is a price cap on how much…

Google under scrutiny in digital platform probe

Australians’ access to internet search engines, search quality and the…

Workers underprepared as AI reaches turning point

Only one in 20 Australian businesses are ready to deploy and leverage AI…

Voters open-minded on investor tax break reform

Three in five Australian voters favour scaling back negative gearing and the…

What does ethical investing mean? How does it relate to ESG investing?

Investing is typically perceived as a wealthy-only pastime with no regard for…

Work from home like a pro: tips for setting up your home office

The advent of digital technology has transformed the business landscape,…

How to ask your boss to work remotely

The remote work trend has gained significant momentum in recent years,…

Marvels of mastery: Exploring the Eight Wonders of the Ancient and Modern World

The concept of the “Wonders of the World” has evolved over time, with various…